Concrete Spalling (or concrete cancer) is the deterioration of concrete which may occur over time as a result of the steel reinforcement bars inside concrete being compromised in some way, such as exposure to moisture, that cause them to rust. Because of this rusting process, the surrounding concrete also becomes compromised, and loses it’s integrity. This problem can spread through the surrounding concrete.
Causes of Spalling
Spalling (or concrete cancer) is caused by the reinforcement bars inside the concrete being exposed in some way to moisture or salt. This may result when the concrete exterior is unpainted or unsealed, or with excessive gaps. Concrete is porous, and can absorb moisture which in turn may rust the steel bars.
Signs of Spalling
Signs of rust on the exterior as well as bulging or changing shape.
Height Access and Concrete Spalling
It’s important to take action on Concrete Spalling in a timely fashion to prevent the problem becoming more widespread. Height Access can assist you detect, evaluate, and repair concrete spalling in difficult-access environments. Our rope-access technicians specialise in access to the external aspects of buildings and structures, such as balconies, external walls and surfaces and facades. Our team is equipped to deal with the proper management and treatment of concrete spalling.